A Piano Art Night...Gems in the Dark

I was invited to a very special and very different show recently.  It was entitled "Piano Art Night...Gems in the Dark".

Held at the Tiu Theatre in Mile Long Arcade on Amorsolo Street in Makati, formerly the Louie THX Theatre, "Piano Art Night" headlined the piano playing prowess and musicality of a winsome Japanese girl by the name of Kanako Hara, as she performed music with two other soloists, Kota Yoshida on guitar, and Beatrize Ricana on cello.  Together they played musical accompaniment to two equally winsome young Japanese girls who did live painting Atsuko Yamagata and Marie Ikura.

Except for the grand piano and the screen, the stage...and all the outfits of all performers were white.  All performers were very young and energetic.  All performers were very creative in each of their respective art forms and genres.
The whiteness of the set and the outfits contrasted well with the resulting visual creations that resulted from the inspiration provided by the music.

This form of live painting to music is new in Manila...and rare.  The audience, half Filipino and half Japanese, were mesmerized into quiet applause by and for the very concept of the show.  It was a unique experience...and the energy of the performers was electric, refreshing, and contagious.  Quiet applause turned into more robust appreciation as the night wore on.

Kanako Hara is a powerful pianist...and though she played some jazz numbers, she played a lot of her own compositions.  It was syncopated pleasure to hear her speak volumes with the keys and the chords.  Kota and Beatrize, were no less striking performers, though more reticent than the vivacious Kanako.  Atsuko and Marie could have been dancers, the light and lissome way they moved their bodies while painting images from their soul onto all the surfaces found onstage...from window to steps!

This type of energy and 360 creative experience provides an interesting context in which to enjoy and appreciate art in its various forms.  Words appear unnecessary as music and paint reveal rhythms of a different level...for both artists and audience.

Bravo to the youthful and courageous artists for daring to showcase and express their creative impetuses in this way.  It is a powerful initiation for the Filipino art lover.  More! More!

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